Children program
Since 2011, I have acquired a solid experience in teaching Pak Mei Kung-Fu to children. I have taught Pak Mei Kung Fu to a generation of children, and have followed them growing up to adults studying in College.
I have taught more than 500 children in my own school and in other Parisian schools such as Jeannine Manuel School in the 15th district of Paris where more than 100 children came to learn from me every year.
Through the practice of Pak Mei Kung-Fu, children learn to like effort and to excel. They learn to succeed. Values such as thankfulness and rigor are a key part of traditional Chinese training. Very soon, children understand that repetition, perseverance and commitment in their training will lead them to success in Pak Mei Kung-Fu, an understanding that will translate to their personal life, their studies and everytime they wish to succeed.
By training, the child conditions his body and becomes aware of his body. He learns to accept himself and develops his agility, his quickness and his strength potential.
Through light sparring, he begins to visualize his opponent in space and understands his mass, intuitively developing notions such as distance, observation and reaction time.
By himself he comes to understand what he needs to develop in his heart, his mind and his soul. It is a journey of discovery through Pak Mei Kung-Fu that allows him to tame and understand himself.
Children’s class structure follows the adult class – for example:
- Building strength structures,
- Martial applications,
- Lowering reaction time,
- Bridge coordination,
- Key movement repetition,
- Pad strikes,
- Three-dimensional memorization through sequence learning
My pedagogy takes advantage of children’s enthusiasm and willingness to train. In my school gaining the right to pull-up is as much a privilege as the right to wear a belt.
We divide children into two groups by age: « Children » from 6 to 10 years old and teenagers from 10 to 14 years old.
I offer two different programs, as well as mentorship.

Discovery program
There are only good reasons to practice Pak mei kung-fu.
This program aims at discovering the practice of Pak Mei Kung-Fu and beginning training in familial conditions. Classes are led by one of my disciples. It is a very good way of discovering your body potential through a real traditionnal Chinese teaching.
Fees : 320€ from September to June
One hour per week
Children & Teenagers : Saturdays 1 :30 to 2 :30 P.M.
Classic program
Children and teens develop their flexibility and strength through a rigorous workout respectful of the authentic Chinese practice. They particularly train forms, bridge coordination and pad strikes, and practice with a partner.
The aim of this course is to give children and teens both a muscular base and a body consciousness that will help them throughout their lives. Wednesday classes are given by Sifu Benjamin.
Fee: 480€, from September to June, two 1h classes per week
Children: Wednesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 PM and Fridays 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Teens: Wednesdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM and Fridays 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
* Children and Teens may also follow 3 classes per week (Fee: 650€, from September to June)

Workshop are a special 8 sessions program for children really interested in a special training cursus.
They are offered as an add-on to the regular programs and aim at perfectionning a specific subject of the training such as a sequence, a weapon or a training concept such as strike combinations.
Workshops are directed by Sifu Benjamin.
Children mentorship program
I created the children mentorship program for two purposes.
First because I noticed that some children have a passion for their training, proactice often but don’t progress as much as they should. They don’t fit well in the group, put themselves in the background and don’t think they can succeed… By working one to one on a mentorship class, a passionate child can become the best that he can be and break through his preconceptions. Through Pak Mei Kung Fu training he can leave in the now and face adversity.
There are also children with a gift for Kung-Fu who can pretend to the best level. Everyone know how to become a ranked tennis player and how much work it takes. Becoming a sifu is not so common. In traditionnal chinese culture, Pak Mei Kung-Fu is transmited from sifu to disciple, from mentor to mentee. Only through one to one training can authentic techniques be transmited without alteration. Like in piano practice where a minimum of one hour daily training is necessary to become a profesisonnal concert player, in Pak Mei Kung-Fu personnal training is a requisite to reach the highest level of training.
Body conditionning, strike techniques enhancement, reading an opponent, sparring… all those elements only integrate themselves in the body through an intense work that only a few can provide.